viernes, 22 de noviembre de 2013

Torneo Internacional de Rugby se realizará en Costa Rica CONSUR C 2013

El Torneo Internacional de Rugby Consur C 2013 se realizará en Costa Rica el próximo mes de diciembre para definir al campeón anual en esa categoría.
Junto a Guatemala, El Salvador y Ecuador, el equipo tico luchará por revalidar el título que obtuvo en el 2012, cuando el certamen se desarrolló en tierras chapinas.
La división C es conformada por aquellas selecciónes de formación más reciente, mientras que en la A y B están los países de un nivel más alto tales como Argentina y Paraguay, actuales campeones, respectivamente.
Según Carlos Araya, presidente del comité organizador en Costa Rica, la selección es el conjunto a vencer, por ser el actual campeón y porque además tiene un poco más de tradición.

"Nosotros empezamos a practicar el rugby hace unos 8 ó 9 años. Ahorita se está jugando en gran nivel en el torneo nacional. Sí se puede decir que somos los favoritos", señaló.
Además de las selecciones que conforman el torneo, Panamá y Nicaragua estarán como invitados durante partidos de exhibición.
El formato del certamen es de tres fechas regulares, con dos partidos cada una, donde el que obtenga más puntos en la tabla general será el ganador.
La primera jornada será el 1 de diciembre; el 4 se jugará la segunda; y el sábado 7 la tercer y última.
Todos los encuentros serán en el Colegio Franco Costarricense.


La organización del Mundial de Deportes de Aventura 2013 está definiendo los últimos detalles con miras a la competencia que se realizará en el país entre el 29 de noviembre y el 12 de diciembre próximos.
Costa Rica
La prueba en Costa Rica será un enorme reto para los equipos participantes, quienes deberán recorrer nuestro territorio desde la costa Pacífica a la Caribe y de la frontera con Nicaragua hasta Panamá; completando una ruta de 815 km de distancia entre zonas rurales, turísticas, montaña de difícil acceso, ríos y playas. El ser modalidad Non–Stop (los competidores no se detienen mientras realizan la ruta), el desgaste mental y las exigencias físicas a las que se verán expuestos los participantes, hacen de la competencia en Costa Rica una de las pruebas más duras a nivel mundial.
“Nos hemos esforzado no solo por mostrar todas las riquezas naturales de Costa Rica, sino por aprovechar esas riquezas y lograr un recorrido retador, que invite a los equipos a dar su máximo esfuerzo para poder completar la ruta,” aseguró Alexander “Pongo” Baker, Director de Carrera.
El Mundial de Aventura es la culminación de la Serie Mundial de Competencias de Aventura, el circuito de mayor prestigio de este deporte a nivel global y contará con la presencia de delegaciones de TODOS los continentes.
De acuerdo con la Subgerente y Directora de Mercadeo del ICT, Ireth Rodríguez, El Instituto Costarricense de Turismo ha apoyado todo el proceso ejecutado durante los últimos cuatro años para que nuestro país fuera electo por primera vez como anfitrión del Mundial de Aventura.
“Este hecho sin precedentes refuerza nuestro posicionamiento como un destino de aventura en el que prevalece nuestro modelo de desarrollo turístico sostenible. Es así como el deporte y el turismo en Costa Rica una vez más se conjugan en un aprovechamiento máximo de nuestros recursos naturales, nuestra posición estratégica, los paisajes exóticos y la calidad de nuestra oferta turística, para albergar un evento tan relevante que captará la atención de países de todo el mundo, consolidando nuestra diferenciación turística”, destacó Rodríguez.
Costa Rica 2
En el Mundial participarán alrededor de 80 equipos mixtos (24 de ellos equipos de élite). Cada uno compuesto por cuatro integrantes.
Hasta el momento hay inscritos 69 equipos, sin embargo este número aumentará en al menos doce más, pues deben incluirse el 1er, 2do y 3er lugar de las cuatro competencias clasificatorias restantes del circuito. Además la organización puede brindar wildcards a otros equipos que cumplan con ciertas características.
En el evento estarán representadas más de 30 naciones del mundo, lo que  le convierte en una excelente vitrina de exposición internacional.
La localía permitirá además una amplia participación para los deportistas de aventura del país. Costa Rica será representada en el Mundial por al menos nueve equipos, cuyos integrantes son especializados deportistas de aventura quienes, en su mayoría, cuentan con experiencia internacional y eventos de la Serie Mundial previos.
“Hace poco recibimos la confirmación del último continente que nos faltaba, así que ahora sí podemos hablar de representación desde todo el mundo en el Mundial en Costa Rica. La carrera será una gran vitrina, no solo para el país, sino para nuestros deportistas de aventura, quienes correrán ante los máximos exponentes mundiales. Esperamos que a estos 9 equipos confirmados se les sume al menos uno más en los próximos días,” explicó la Directora Administrativa de Carrera, Johana Argüello.
Por Costa Rica participarán los equipos Toyota Costa Rica, Trópico Extremo, Coast to Coast Extreme, Aerodiva, Banano de Costa Rica – Specialized – Maco, Hyundai – Costa Rica Spirit, Banano de Costa Rica  – Specialized – Agricenter, JEEP Adventure Race Team, y Extreme Adventure Costa Rica.
Costa Rica 1
Ruta de competencia y bolsa de premios
La ruta de competencia es una de las grandes incógnitas para los equipos, pero con base en la idea de frontera a frontera y costa a costa se les asegura que deben prepararse fuerte para realizar la competencia sin mayores inconvenientes.
El Mundial de Aventura en Costa Rica se logra gracias al apoyo de sus patrocinadores: Toyota,  Toyota Rent a Car, Aventuras del Sarapiquí, Ríos Tropicales, la agencia de Viajes Horizontes, Kailash Brasil y el Instituto Costarricense de Turismo, quienes se comprometieron con las necesidades económicas y logísticas del evento.
Los equipos ganadores durarán aproximadamente 140 horas, es decir, casi seis días completando la ruta por medio de desafíos de mountainbike, rafting, trekking, kayak, canopy, rapel, canyoning y orientación con mapa y brújula. Los primeros cinco equipos en completar la ruta se distribuirán una bolsa de premios de $75.000 USD, así como regalías de los patrocinadores e invitaciones a eventos de aventura para la temporada 2014.

jueves, 14 de noviembre de 2013



Playa de arena blanquecina y agua de profundo azul, de más de 3 kilómetros de extensión, con oleaje de moderado a fuerte, comparte los exóticos encantos de Bahía Salinas.

Situado en el norte de Costa Rica, muy cerca de la frontera con Nicaragua en el provincia de Guanacaste , la pequeña comunidad de pescadores de Puerto Soley es el lugar perfecto para escapar, si usted desea disfrutar de unas vacaciones más tranquilo y silencioso. Situado cerca de la La Cruz , que fue descubierto por los españoles en 1522, Playa Puerto Soley como también se le conoce es una playa increíble, donde se puede disfrutar de una gran cantidad de actividades.

Alrededor de 6 km al suroeste de La Cruz, Puerto Soley lo convierte en un gran refugio tranquilo. Conducir hasta el Parque Nacional Santa Rosa y el Parque Nacional de Guanacaste para llegar a esta playa, la cual se accede a través de un camino de tierra. Esté preparado para un viaje lleno de baches, pero sabemos que vale la pena, ya que no muchos turistas vienen aquí.

Se encuentra cerca de la frontera con Nicaragua, y relativamente cerca del Parque Nacional Santa Rosa. Es uno de los paraísos naturales más apartados de Costa Rica, lo que se refleja en un ambiente tranquilo ideal para descansar.

Tiene una extensión de 3,5 km de longitud. Presenta fuerte oleaje, sus arenas son de color pardo clara, su pendiente es moderada. Presenta manglar y está rodeada por dos esteros con rica vegetación y pesca. La vegetación del litoral es achaparrada y muy deteriorada.

Actividades que se pueden realizar en Playa Puerto Soley

  • La playa esta destinada a: sol, playa, mar, pesca.
  • Se debe tomar precauciones, por fuerte oleaje provocado por los fuertes vientos (noviembre, mayo).
  • Al frente se localiza la Isla Bolaños que es un santuario de aves parte del Parque Nacional Santa Rosa.
  • También es propicia para nadar, pescar, bucear y practicar otros deportes acuáticos. Dos esteros en sus extremos, así como la Reserva Biológica Isla Bolaños, completan la belleza de su paisaje. Aunque se puede acceder a esta hermosa playa en cualquier clase de vehículo, se recomienda uno de doble tracción pues la calle de acceso no es asfaltada y algunas partes se encuentran en mal estado.
  • Nadar, hacer snorkel, jet ski y disfrutar de una variedad de deportes acuáticos, o si lo prefiere, simplemente, pasar unos días de relax bajo el sol.

Como llegar a Puerto Soley

  • Conduzca al norte hacia Puntarenas y luego siga la autopista Interamericana en dirección a Liberia. Una vez en Liberia, debe continuar por la misma autopista por unos 57 km (35 millas) hasta llegar a La Cruz, gire a la izquierda en dirección a Puerto Soley, continúe por unos 6 km (4 millas) vuelva a girar a la izquierda y continúe por unos 400 m (1,300 pies) mas hasta llegar a playa Puerto Soley. Esta ruta requiere un total de 5 a 6 horas desde San José.
  • Usted puede tomar un autobús de la ruta San José – La Cruz (Transportes Deldú, 2256-9072) el cual tarda unas 6 horas y de ahí tomar otro autobús con la ruta La Cruz – Puerto Soley – El Jobo haciendo la parada en Playa Puerto Soley, el cual tarda unos 10 minutos con salidas 3 veces al día.

Ubicación en el mapa (Coordenadas: 11.039266,-85.668666)

Como llegar con el mapa

Imágenes de Puerto Soley

viernes, 4 de octubre de 2013

White Water Rafting Pacuare

Experience the full explosion of excitement which is the thrill of white water rafting!. The scenery while rafting is just marvelous. The vegetation that will surround you plus the power of the waters will transport you into a great wild adventure. The equipment will be given, and a specialized guide will instruct you on how to manage yourself into the strong currents of the river.

The Best of the Pacific

We depart San Jose towards the Central Pacific coast of Costa Rica including a stop for breakfast. On route, there will a boat tour along the Tárcoles River where we will observe crocodiles, water birds and migratory birds.

After our jungle adventure with the crocodiles, we continue to Punta Leona, a beautiful resort with a white sand beach, blue ocean and a protected area of 750 hectares of transitional tropical wet forest to tropical dry forest; definitely an exotic paradise.

Once at Punta Leona you will have enough time to swim on the ocean or on the swimming pool, bask on the beach, take a walk or relax under a coconut palm.

The tour includes a delicious lunch that will be served in one of Punta Leona Resort’s restaurants. Sunset in Punta Leona is an extraordinary experience, which we will enjoy before heading back to San Jose.

San Jose City Tour

This tour immerses you in the rich Costa Rican culture and history by experiencing the beautiful museums and historical sites of San José. It begins with an orientation and drive through the beautiful Sabana Park. Next, we will take a walking tour through the historic National Theater. Completed in 1897, the theater is a masterpiece in art and architecture. Afterwards we will visit one of the many unique museums of Costa Rica.

We will continue heading to the University of Costa Rica, the Supreme Court and various sites of interest. A brief stop will be made in a beautiful art craft shopping store allowing you to browse through it before returning to your hotel and why not, buy some souvenirs for those who are expecting you back at home

Rain Forest Aerial Tram

Twenty minutes outside of San Jose you will cross the Continental Divide and enter Braulio Carrillo National Park. After a half hour trip through the park, the bus will reach a 1000 acre private reserve of virgin forest.

Open-sided vehicles shuttle passengers from the parking area to the Visitor\'s Center. The shuttle trip provides an introduction to the forest, as visitors pass a small river and numerous tree snags with nesting holes of various birds - the White Hawk is regularly seen here, as well as the Pale-billed Woodpecker and many others. 

After a quick briefing on canopy exploration and the construction of the tram, visitors divide into smaller groups for a 45 to 90 minute (optional) nature walk with a trained naturalist guide. The trails are well-groomed and provide an excellent introduction to the rain forest.

Time now to board the Aerial Tram. The Open-sided cable-cars hold 5 passengers and a guide. The guides are quite knowledgeable about flora and fauna. They\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'ll point out orchids and different species of trees and are quick to identify the calls of the many birds that inhabit this unique environment. 

The tram ride lasts about an hour and fifteen minutes. The lower, outbound leg of the tram journey takes you skimming over hilltops and in and out of the sub-canopy, a dark world of overburdened tree limbs dripping with mosses, ferns, and orchids. Lianas and vines drape over branches and traverse forest spaces, and act as highways for birds and insects. The ride will stop several times as passengers board at either loading station.

The return leg of the ride reveals the most dramatic portion of the trip as the cars glide on a breath-taking journey through and above the airy canopy.

Rain Forest Adventure 3 in 1

Drive to Sarapiquí area, through the extraordinary rain forest of Braulio Carrillo National Park, one of the most important rainforest reserves of Costa Rica. On arrival to Sarapiqui, a beautiful area known for its impressive natural richness, you will board a boat for a relaxing ride on the Sarapiqui River where you will feel in close contact with nature and admire the inspiring surroundings. 

After the boat ride you will continue with a walk on Selva Verde eco lodge’s private trails which are a heaven for nature enthusiasts, hikers, bird and wildlife watchers. Following lunch and on route to San Jose, a visit to the famous Rainforest Aerial Tram is included, for a ride on a gondola through the tree canopy in company of a naturalist guide that will talk to you about the wonderful rainforest. 

The Rain Forest Aerial Tram – Atlantic is a 475-hectares (1,200-acre) private reserve that shares a 10 km border with Braulio Carrillo National Park, constituting a buffer zone between the park and farming lands.

Poas Volcano / Doka / Grecia / Sarchi

This tour takes us to the unforgettable Poas Volcano; across coffee plantations and scenic vistas, and then into the heart of the artisans´ workshops in Sarchi.

To embark on this tour we will take the Pan-American Highway towards the city of Alajuela. En route we will see the Agriculture Monument, the Monument to Juan Santamaria and the popular Mango Park. As we ascend towards the Poas Volcano we will stop to learn more about our golden bean, which is a term used to describe the unique and savory coffee of Costa Rica. Then we will continue our trip through the fern, flower and strawberry farms taking in the scenic vistas along the way.

There is a noticeable change in temperature and vegetation, so be prepared to experience the cool and exuberant cloud forest of Poas Volcano National Park.

At the volcano we will have time to enjoy the impressive main crater with its\\\' fumaroles, and then go on a light hike traversing a trail to the beautiful Botos Lagoon to learn about the different ecosystems. Next, after visiting the volcano, we will have time to enjoy a scrumptious lunch at Doka Estate.

Our third stop is the town of Grecia, considered one of the cleanest towns in Latin America. Grecia is home to one of the only Metal Churches in Central America. The church is a national monument that fills its inhabitants with pride. Then shortly after visiting the metal church, in order to experience the local lifestyle, we will also visit the central market area, unique to the area.

Our last stop along the way is the town of Sarchi, known as the cradle of Costa Rican artisans. Here we will take in the artistic work of the local artisans, as they create the famous typical oxcarts. Then, we will be able to shop for that special souvenir to take home. And, if we are lucky we might be able to see the biggest oxcart in Latin America, a two-story spectacle unto itself.
So go ahead and get ready to enjoy a unique experience.

Orosi Valley and Lankester Gardens

This tour takes place in the lush Orosi Valley, and affords many opportunities for scenic views along the way.
This tour will take you to the Province of Cartago, that was the Capital of Costa Rica until 1823, where you will visit the Basilica of our Lady of the Angels, home of the Patron Saint of Costa Rica and a peregrination site for many believers, many of whom travel from as far as the Province of Guanacaste, a pilgrimage of several hundred kilometers on foot.

Next, after we visit the Basilica we will stop at the Lankester Gardens, a University of Costa Rica Center for investigation that protects more than 800 species of orchids, bromeliads and countless species of other plants. 

Then, we will continue to the Valley of Orosi, an area that overflows with unparallel beauty. We will be able to visit one of the few remaining colonial churches and we will stop to enjoy a scrumptious typical lunch at one of the local restaurants. 

The Basilica has large vaulted ceilings and exquisite examples of stained glass windows with attention to detail in terms of design and color, and is a truly a must see.

So book go ahead and book this unique and enjoyable tour.

Irazu Volcano/Orosi Valley/Lankester Garden

This tour is the combination of the Irazu Volcano National Park and the Orosi Lankester Garden tours. To that end the tour offers the mystique of the Irazu Volcano, and the enchantment of the lush gardens in Orosi.

The tour will begin with us trekking south along the Panamerican Highway until we reach the base of the behemoth “Iztaru” (a name of an indigenous village that was situated on the flanks of the volcano, and a likely candidate as a possible origin for the current name of the Irazu Volcano).

The winding road traverses fertile lands in which all types and forms of vegetation are cultivated, all the while affording us a spectacular panoramic view of the surrounding hills and valleys. And, at the very top of the summit, on a clear day, one can be privy to an unforgettable bird’s eye view of both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

As we descend to the city of Cartago we will stop at the Virgin of the Angels Basilica - a famous peregrination site for many believers, some of which travel for days or even weeks on foot, in a pilgrimage of faith, to the site. The Basilica has large vaulted ceilings and exquisite examples of stained glass windows, and is a must see.

Next, after we visit the Basilica we will stop at the Lankester Gardens, a University of Costa Rica Center for investigation that protects more than 800 species of orchids, bromeliads and countless species of other plants. 

Then, we will continue to the Valley of Orosi, an area that overflows with unparallel beauty. We will be able to visit one of the few remaining colonial churches and we will stop to enjoy a scrumptious typical lunch at one of the local restaurants. 

So book go ahead and book this unique and memorable tour, there is much to do and see.

Irazu Volcano

The Irazu Volcano (Volcán Irazú) is situated in the Cordillera Central just a few kilometers from Cartago, and it is a relatively short and pleasant drive from the Capital city of San Jose.

The trip begins by ascending the breathtaking summit of the Irazu Volcano, passing all types and forms of vegetation, from coffee plantations, to ferns, depending on the elevation. The trip leads up to a spectacular view of the massive crater which is home to a lagoon with a mystical green hue surrounded by jagged rocks. 

It should be mentioned, that on a clear day you can actually see both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans!

After an exciting tour of the volcano, we will descend to the historical city of Cartago. Here will visit the mysterious ruins of the old Parish and take in the beautiful Basilica of our Virgin of Los Angeles (Virgen de los Angeles) with rich displays of carvings, statues and other art.

So book go ahead and book your trip, and partake in this popular and enjoyable tour.

Doka -Grecia & Sarchi (Oxcart Factory)

The Doka-Grecia and Sarchi tour is a relaxing yet very enjoyable tour.

The tour begins with a wonderful drive through some of the largest coffee and sugar cane plantations (Doka) in Costa Rica. 

Then we will arrive in Grecia, and we will see the famous metal church. The church that has a rare architecture, with high ceilings, ornate stained glass windows, and classical lines. 

Next we will move on to the arts & crafts factories of Sarchi recognized all over for their skilled labor and talented artistry; albeit, known primarily for the famous ox carts that are built there. And, if you are fortunate enough, you will see an ox cart that is over! two stories high. To that end, the behemoth ox cart is registered in the Guinness book of world records as being the largest ox cart in the world.

These ox carts are ornately decorated and bursting with intense colors, such as oranges and reds, and come in various sizes, and are treasured worldwide for their unique beauty. That said, you will not want to leave Costa Rica without one. Albeit, I would not recommend you attempt to lug the two story ox cart home.

To end a beautiful time spent, a delectable typical lunch will be served. 

So feel free to call to learn more about this relaxing and enjoyable tour.

Poás Volcano National Park / Doka Coffee Tour / La Paz Waterfall Garden

The Combo tour is an intense fun filled set of excursions where you will embark on three distinct adventures. 

To get to the different areas we will traverse the city of Alajuela, passing the Agriculture Monument, as well as the Monument to Juan Santamaria named after a folk hero and the famous Mango Park a favorite among visitors alike. 

As we ascend the terrain and near the Poás Volcano we will notice a change in temperature and vegetation; we will see coffee plantations as well as fern, flower and strawberry farms along the way, creating a beautiful array of colors and textures. 

On the way to the volcano we will visit the Doka Coffee Estate for a delicious breakfast. Then we will be treated to a coffee tour in an actual coffee plantation where we will learn the ancient techniques used by the experts to produce some of the best coffee in Costa Rica and around the world. The careful process involved in the cultivation, harvesting and roasting of the Golden Bean will then be illustrated, very hands-on, and then we will savor the delectable end product.

After the coffee tour we will continue to the Poás Volcano where we will not only admire the impressive main crater with its sulfur fumaroles, but also learn about the different ecosystems in this unique and protected national park. 

Following the visit to the volcano we will continue to the La Paz Water Fall Garden for a scrumptious lunch and tour. As we arrive to La Paz, we will walk through a trail, leading to a spectacular waterfall in the middle of the rainforest. Inside the park we will also visit the hummingbird gallery, the serpentarium, the bird house, the butterfly garden and the frog’s exhibit; to be enjoyed by those of all ages.

So go ahead and call us to find out more about this exciting and unforgettable tour.

Calypso’s Cruise to Tortuga Island

After a 1 ½ hour drive from San José to the dock in Puntarenas and a pit stop for a scrumptious breakfast en route, you will board the 71-foot Catamaran Manta Raya for an unforgettable trip to Tortuga Island (Turtle Island). 

Tortuga is an island paradise with white sand beaches, coconut palms and a beautiful clear blue ocean, all located in the Golf of Nicoya on the Central Pacific Coast of Costa Rica. En route to Tortuga, as you cruise along the calm waters of the Gulf of Nicoya there is always a possibility of spotting dolphins, sea turtles and aquatic birds.

Once at Tortuga Island you can bask in the gorgeous white sand beaches, take a swim in the inviting blue ocean, walk on the adventurous island trails or take an optional tour before enjoying a succulent lunch served with chilled white wine and live marimba music.

The Manta Raya has an expansive deck area where you can talk with friends or make new friends, as well as fresh water showers and a bow ramp allowing an easy disembarkation directly onto the beach.

Bay Island’s Cruise to Tortuga Island

This excursion departs from San Jose very early in the morning en route to Puntarenas, where you will board a yacht to Tortuga (Turtle Island), a beautiful island located in the Gulf of Nicoya. 

At Tortuga Island you will experience a day full of beautiful skies, great ocean views and live music. On board the yacht savory tropical fruits and refreshing natural drinks will be served. Then, you will explore
the island, immersing yourself in the calm clear waters and lush landscape, where you can take a swim,
sunbathe, and/or take an optional tour like kayaking or canopy. Then a delicious lunch will be prepared by the crew.

Tortuga Island is composed of 120 hectares of gorgeous terrain, with 4 main hills; not to mention a 500 meter beach which is a recipient of the blue flag certification. On the way to Tortuga Island you will see the San Lucas Island which in the past was a security prison where no human rights existed and thus a dark age in Costa Rica´s history.

The journey to Tortuga Island will be on board a yacht equipped with 2 Cummins Marino 300 HP motors, radar, satellite navigation systems, VHF marine radio, clean bathrooms, and palatable drinking water.

Bay Island is committed to not only provide you with an enjoyable and unforgettable journey but also a safe and secure trip. To that end, the yacht’s captain has more of 10 years of experience and possesses an international maritime license, and the crew is well trained for all types of emergency situations.

Canopy San Luis

Set into the placid cloud forests of Costa Rica\'s Central Valley region, the San Luis canopy tour will take you on an exhilarating and safe adventure through lush, green canopy and across the majestic Rio Cataratitas. Carried securely by a system of zip lines, you will soar weightlessly through the expanse of virgin forest that grounds the tour, and find yourself in intimacy with the habitats of Costa Rica\'s distinct cloud forest wildlife. The San Luis canopy tour also presents the \"Elevator\", a thrilling feature that securely lifts visitors high above the forest canopy, granting a paramount view of the surrounding area.

Though customer enjoyment is a central objective, San Luis canopy tour designates safety above all as a keystone principle: all personnel and facilities under their name carry up-to-date certification from the Costa Rica Institute of Tourism. San Luis canopy tour takes pride in their credentials and by them guarantees with confidence that this tour is among the most professional, informative, and enjoyable in Costa Rica. 

Canopy with 12 different zip lines and 18 platforms.

Tarzan swing trails and fly like superman

Ram Luna Viewpoint

Home to the Tierra Tipica spectacle

Ram Luna is perched high above the mountains overlooking the Central Valley.

From this unique vantage point you can admire the auspicious panoramic views at dusk, and then take in the brilliance of the lights emanating from the capital.

In addition, we will be treated to a sampling of the Costa Rican Folklore through the various typical dances and marimba music, while we enjoy a delicious dinner buffet with a menu that reflects the typical dishes of the region.

During our visit, the local artisans will exhibit their unique and exquisite creations that represent the different regions of the country.

The evening culminates with the traditional masquerade extravaganza and a lively fireworks show.

Do not miss this unforgettable experience!

Arenal Volcano with Baldi Hot Springs

The Arenal Volcano with Baldi Hot Springs tour is by far a favorite among travelers.

This tour offers the auspicious site of the imposing Arenal Volcano and the soothing thermal waters of Baldi Hot Springs. Not to mention the lush vegetation and unforgettable views that make this place one to remember.

The impressive Arenal Volcano is a magnificent natural wonder that is situated in La Fortuna (The Fortune) of San Carlos, Costa Rica, providing thousands and thousands of tourists with the opportunity to witness volcanic activity, such as the white plumes of smoke that emanate from the conical shaped behemoth. It is important to note that the volcano had previously been assumed to be dormant, until in 1968, when it experienced a major eruption.

Enroute to the Arenal Volcano there will be a stop in the famous town of Sarchi, known as the birthplace of Costa Rica’s Artisans. 

In Sarchi, you may very well see an ox cart that holds the title as being the largest ox cart in the world. The cart is made of wood (cedar) and is decorated with stunning colors, such as a bright orange. The design is typical and intricate, indicative of traditional oxcarts. The ox cart is two stories high and took 70 days to complete. The oxcart is also deserves an honorable mention in the Guinness book of world records. 

The journey will then continue, traversing diverse plantations with agricultural products, including pineapple farms, and mango groves, ornamental plants and cattle ranches until arriving to the small town of La Fortuna, and stopping to enjoy lunch at a cozy restaurant with a spectacular view of the Arenal volcano. 

Then you will go on to relax at one of the best hot springs in the area where you will enjoy the rejuvenating effects of the thermal waters, as well as an optional massage or other special treatment that must be reserved ahead of time. 

The facilities at Baldi provided 25 separate mineral water reservoirs that flow naturally from the volcano. The medicinal waters are certified by L.N.A. (Laboratorio Nacional de Aguas), and the temperatures range from 93, 100, 102, 104, 109, 110, 113, 116, 152, providing clients with a wide range of options that fit their needs.

And for a perfect ending, before going back to San José, a wonderful dinner will be served with a great view of the volcano so that you do not miss any opportunity to look at the stunning and classically shaped volcano one more time.

Arenal Volcano with Paradise Hot Springs

The Arenal Volcano with Paradise Hot Springs offer an econommy option for travelers

This tour offers the auspicious site of the imposing Arenal Volcano. Not to mention the lush vegetation and unforgettable views that make this place one to remember.

The impressive Arenal Volcano is a magnificent natural wonder that is situated in La Fortuna (The Fortune) of San Carlos, Costa Rica, providing thousands and thousands of tourists with the opportunity to witness volcanic activity, such as the white plumes of smoke that emanate from the conical shaped behemoth. It is important to note that the volcano had previously been assumed to be dormant, until in 1968, when it experienced a major eruption.

Enroute to the Arenal Volcano there will be a stop in the famous town of Sarchi, known as the birthplace of Costa Rica’s Artisans. 

In Sarchi, you may very well see an ox cart that holds the title as being the largest ox cart in the world. The cart is made of wood (cedar) and is decorated with stunning colors, such as a bright orange. The design is typical and intricate, indicative of traditional oxcarts. The ox cart is two stories high and took 70 days to complete. The oxcart is also deserves an honorable mention in the Guinness book of world records. 

The journey will then continue, traversing diverse plantations with agricultural products, including pineapple farms, and mango groves, ornamental plants and cattle ranches until arriving to the small town of La Fortuna, and stopping to enjoy lunch at a cozy restaurant with a spectacular view of the Arenal volcano. 

Then you will go on to relax at one of the best hot springs in the area where you will enjoy the rejuvenating effects of the thermal waters, as well as an optional massage or other special treatment that must be reserved ahead of time. 

And for a perfect ending, before going back to San José, a wonderful dinner will be served with a great view of the volcano so that you do not miss any opportunity to look at the stunning and classically shaped volcano one more time.

Arenal Volcano with Tabacon Hot Springs

The Arenal Volcano with Tabacon Hot Springs tour is one of the most popular tours that we offer.
This tour offers the best of both worlds, in terms of the raw untamed beauty of the imposing Arenal Volcano, which is juxtaposed against the lush and soothing thermal waters of Tabacon Hot Springs. All this set against a backdrop of lush vegetation and breathtaking views of the nearly perfect conical shaped lines of the volcano.
Situated in the northern lowlands of Costa Rica, the impressive Arenal Volcano is a magnificent natural wonder that attracts thousands and thousands of tourists due to its permanent, and amazing volcanic activity, which on clear days allows one to witness white plumes of smoke that emanate from the conical shaped behemoth. It should be noted, that the volcano had previously been assumed to be dormant, until in 1968, when to everyone’s amazement it experienced a major eruption.

Enroute to the Arenal Volcano there will be a stop in the famous town of Sarchi, known as the birthplace of Costa Rica’s Artisans. In Sarchi, you can see many of the handicrafts that Costa Rica has to offer, as well as the possibility of feasting your eyes on the world largest ox cart. The cart is made of cedar and is painted with several coats (4) of orange paint and is multicolored. The design is typical and intricate, indicative of traditional oxcarts. The oxcart is two stories high and took nearly 70 days to construct and paint. For the record, according to the Guinness book of world recorded, the cart is nearly 45 feet long (14 meters) and weighs 4400 lbs (2 tons).

The journey will then continue, traversing diverse plantations with agricultural products, including pineapple farms, and mango groves, ornamental plants and cattle ranches until arriving to the small town of La Fortuna, and stopping to enjoy lunch at a cozy restaurant with a magnificent view of the volcano. 

Then you will go on to relax at one of the best hot springs in the area where you will revel in the cleansing and rejuvenating effects of the thermal waters, as well as an optional massage or other special treatment, if you choose, that must be reserved ahead of time to ensure availability. 

Tabacon Hot springs combines the four elements of nature; the heat of the volcano, the flowing waters of the hot springs, the pure air of the rainforest, and the fertile earth of the Fortuna de San Carlos Region, to provided visitors with a first rate experience.

And for a perfect ending, before going back to San José, a wonderful dinner will be served with a great view of the volcano so that you do not miss any opportunity to look at the magnificently shaped volcano.

Adventure Combo

Costa Rica provides White Water Rafting experiences that take your adrenaline to top levels and fascinating Canopy Tours going high above the treetops. Now you can enjoy the two activities in an extraordinary way. Discover the natural marvels of Sarapiqui; an extensive territory located in the northeastern parts of the country, with a variety of crystal clear rivers, an abundance of beautiful tropical forests and villages inhabited by friendly and laborious people.
Leaving San José the tour traverses the majestic scenary of Braulio Carrillo National Park and arriving in Sarapiqui we will enjoy two adventurous attractions: the Canopy Tour in the middle of a secondary forest with trees of high altitude and after lunch the White Water Rafting in the agitating waters of the Sarapiqui River.

The Canopy Tour takes about an hour and a half and the nine cables of different length stretch over the forest with the last one crossing the Sarapiqui River.

The rafting at Sarapiqui River has different levels between class II and class III, presenting vibrant scenary to those who want to participate in this exciting activity. Nine miles of unexpected rapids in combination with calm and relaxing intervals makes this an unforgettable experience for bird watchers and nature lovers.

Manuel Antonio National Park

Relax and enjoy the natural beach and rainforest

Manuel Antonio National Park is considered one of the most beautiful parks in Costa Rica. On this tour, you will visit pristine beaches, with coral reefs, bordered by exuberant vegetation and the natural wonders of the tropical rainforest. The beaches in Manuel Antonio are highly coveted as some of the best that Costa Rica has to offer. Many popular activities such as world-class surfing and snorkeling are available.

On the way to Manuel Antonio National Park, you will travel along the coastline enjoying scenic views, including African palm plantations. You will also travel past small villages along the Pacific Coast, until you reach the port of Quepos and the ultimately the National Park.

Since access to the park itself is closed to vehicles, you will hike to the preserve, crossing a creek. Once in the park, you can simply relax and enjoy the beach, sunbathe, or hike through the park\\\'s trails, which will allow you to observe Manuel Antonio’s abundant flora and fauna. Several species of monkeys, iguanas, birds and possibly even the three-toed sloth can be seen. 

If you chose to hike the trail to Cathedral Point, do not forget your camera; the views of the park and the sea are simply spectacular!

Ecoturismo en Costa Rica

Aves Costa Rica
Aves Costa Rica
Las autoridades de Costa Rica han tomado como medida de conservación de su país el declarar parques nacionales y áreas protegidas gran parte del territorio del país. El país dispones de una increíble variedad de paisajes, microclimas y flora y fauna que convierten a Costa Rica en un destino de Ecoturismo por excelencia.

Costa Rica Central cuenta con cuatro cadenas de montañas que constituyen una de las zonas mas visitadas de este país. Zona donde residen los 8 volcanes activos del país.
La vista de Arenal, en la Sierra Volcánica de Guanacaste en el Noroeste es realmente espectacular, sobre todo por las noches cuando se puede apreciar el descenso de lava desde el volcán es una vista realmente asombrosa.

En Rincón de la Vieja, puede encontrar piscinas de barro termal que burbujean permanentemente. Donde los turistas pueden bañarse en estas aguas termales.

La zona de tierras altas en el Centro de Costa Rica, son las más accesibles para los turistas. Allí se podrá acceder al volcán Poás, cuyo cráter contiene un lago de azufre 
Caminatas en Costa Rica
Caminatas en Costa Rica
hirviendo y al cual se puede acceder hasta su cima. Así también el volcán Irazú regala su desolado paisaje creando la sensación en los visitantes de estar en la luna. La impresionante Chirripó se encuentra en la cordillera de Talamanca, que tiene los picos más altos de Costa Rica, cercano al límite con Panamá.

Las laderas altas de estas montañas normalmente están cubiertas por bosques húmedos, donde se desarrollan muy bien algas, musgos y líquenes en estas cumbres nubladas. Abundan las Orquídeas y helechos que crecen en este lugar de manera asombrosa. Allí también se podrá avistar el habitante más asombroso del lugar, el Quetzal (pájaro simbólico de Costa Rica y toda Centroamérica). En la selva a la que se accede descendiendo se recomienda ser acompañado por un guía, ya que es muy fácil perderse, la experiencia de avistamiento de animales es muy recomendada, usted podrá ver desde monos, armadillos, perezosos, cocodrilos además de todo tipo de aves, como tucanes, loros y guacamayos. Las tortugas marinas 
Volcan Arenal Costa Rica
Volcán Arenal Costa Rica
tienen un lugar exclusivo en Costa Rica para su avistamiento y en la región de Tortuguero que es mejor ser visitada durante la época seca del año (Diciembre a Abril).

Las opciones para quienes opten por el Ecoturismo en Costa Rica son interminables, es un lugar ideal para este tipo de turismo ya que el país ha sido bendecido con una naturaleza exuberante.